Thursday, September 18, 2008

free blogs blog
The first blog I visited was a blog on my favorite show, Entourage. Named after a popular quote from easily the greatest character on the show, Ari Gold, it is titled Entourage: Let's Blog It Out (Ari: "Let's hug it out"). A product of News Day Magazine Let's Blog It Out discusses recent episode including opinions and interesting facts about the episodes. Although I love Entourage I honestly don't see a need to read a blog about recent episodes, I watched them I know what's up.
The second blog I found centered on a topic of my choosing is The Fasted Blog On Two Feet by the Washington Post. Named after a term used to describe lacrosse the fastest game on two feet, The Fasted Blog On Two Feet covers college lacrosse and discusses teams during the season.

1 comment:

Nika said...

Those sound like interesting blogs. I have never heard of the show Entourage, but I also looked up a tv show blog and I don't see the need to blog about the episodes. I don't see why people can't just watch the episodes and then talk to their friends if they want.